Children's Assessments
Within the Birth to Five Framework every child has an assessment plotting their individual development.
This assessment covers the learning life of children once they start Nursery until they leave to go to school. Throughout the assessment observations are made, photographs taken and pieces of work are collected. This helps create a file of the child’s development whilst at Nursery and explores individual strengths and interests. Within this file links will be made to the Six Areas of Learning through the EYFS document.
Carrying out such indepth assessments allows us to gain a knowledge and a full understanding of a child’s development and enable us to identify any gaps in their development. This could be down to a child choosing not to access a specific area of provision or could be an undiagnosed learning dificulty. Through the assessments we have the information needed to access outside agencies and support needed to enable the children to develop to the best of their ability.
Although the child’s level of development will be explored and monitored this is purely to gain understanding of the child as an individual in order that their learning can be extended further.
The EYFS guidance has very flexible age ranges within each stage, as each child develops in different areas at different rates.