Nursery Education Grant Scheme
The Local Education Authority (LEA) in Doncaster has, in conjunction with the Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership, produced an Early Years Development Plan. This means that all 3-4 year olds in the area are offered 15 hours free Nursery Education per funded week if parents/ carers so desire.
These funded sessions may be accessed in a state nursery or in a private day nursery, such as Toy Box Day Nursery.
In order to participate in the Nursery Education Grant Scheme Toy Box Day Nursery has agreed to work towards the accepted goals for children’s learning.
These goals cover the six areas of development i.e, Knowledge and Understanding of the World, Communication, Language and Literacy, Creative Development, Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
Because Toy Box Day Nursery is open all year (apart from Bank Holidays and a week at Christmas) normal fees will be charged during periods outside term time.
At Toy Box Day Nursery we recognise that parents/ carers are generally the first educators of their child/ children and this is reflected in the relationships with the staff at the Nursery. Parents/ carers are welcomed to discuss the development of their child/ children with the Key person, Nursery Manager or any member of staff at any time.
Within the nursery we aim to provide the pre-school child with a sound foundation in basic educational skills linked to the EYFS Curriculum.
All Curriculum topics are delivered in a lively, non-pressurised manner so that each child can learn at his/ her own pace. This enables children to enjoy the experience whilst they progress through their Learning Journey. The confidence, social and educational skills developed through the EYFS Curriculum prepares the children to proceed smoothly into full time education.